Updated on:
Name and address:
Koenig & Bauer Coding GmbH
Benzstraße 11
97209 Veitshöchheim
Koenig & Bauer Coding GmbH operates as an independent subsidiary in the Koenig & Bauer-Group and is represented in law by the Management:
German Stuis & Dr. Stefan Balling
E-Mail: Info-coding(at)
Telephone: +49 (931) 9085 - 0
Telefax: +49 (931) 9085 - 100
Trade Register:
Amtsgericht Würzburg, Registergericht
Register number:
HRB B 62
Turnover tax identification number under section 27a UStG:
DE 271 194906
WEEE Reg.-NR.:
DE 74320044
EORI NR: DE7651554
Responsible according to § 18, Section 2 of the German MstV (Medienstaatsvertrag):
Dagmar Ringel
Direktor Marketing
Koenig & Bauer AG
Friedrich-Koenig-Straße 49
97080 Würzburg